If you are a marketing or communications professional, you already know the value of providing regular content for your customers. It is necessary to keep them engaged and educated and keep you at the forefront of their minds. You also likely know that video is consistently performing the best when it comes to SEO and social media engagement. However, producing regular video content can be time-consuming and costly.
So as a content manager, that bears the question – should you produce video in-house or outsource?
We believe it’s an evaluation of your desired outcome + resources available.
There are many benefits to producing regular content in-house. But on the flip side, sometimes you simply can’t match the value provided by a video agency or production company.
It all starts with a strategy before you can dive into a plan for how to execute it. If you haven’t included a video strategy in your overall marketing plan yet, then read this: “5 Reasons Why You Need a Video Strategy”.
Ideally, all video content should point back to the main goals of your strategy. Getting that birds eye view of your entire strategy can help you prioritize your needs and align them with your budget and resources. While there are many elements to consider, here are some of the main benefits and disadvantages of producing video in-house vs. outsourcing:
Producing Video In-House
- If you are producing regular content, you can potentially save money by using in-house staff and having readily available access to them.
- You know your brand and objectives best.
- You have full control of both creative ideas and timelines.
- Startup costs for software and standard equipment can be expensive.
- Specialty equipment to produce creative or trendy content may be unavailable.
- Your team size can limit both the production and creative capabilities.
Outsourcing Video to an Agency or Production Company
- Larger teams and crew resources can provide specialized production knowledge and skillsets for each project. (ex. Director of Photography, Audio Engineer, Motion Graphics Editor, etc.)
- Experience in producing video content for a variety of clients can provide a diverse perspective and fresh ideas.
- No risk with hiring a fulltime staff and investing money in gear.
- (Bonus) It’s the job of a video agency to keep current with trends and stay educated on what video marketing techniques are performing well.
- Experienced production companies can be expensive.
- It takes time to hire and establish a relationship with a company that best fits your needs.
- You are not their only client and therefore you might be subject to their availability.
If you want to simplify the debate, ask yourself:
Do you have more brains than money or more money than brains? Use your resources.
In summary, always keep your desired outcome in mind and compare that to the resources you have available. Also, there are definitely occasions when you can do both. We have many clients who hire us for several higher-end productions throughout the year and still produce video in-house. But above all, it still is true that good content and messaging is what sells; so don’t loose sight of your objectives.
Are you interested in partnering with a video agency? That’s where Spotted Yeti Media can help. Contact us today to setup a meeting. We’ll help you discover how video can help to “show the world you exist.”
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