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Stories From Behind the Camera

4 Video Marketing Trends for 2024

Posted on April 15, 2024 by Liz Dawn

Video is continuing to prove to be the most effective type of content for digital marketing. If you want to increase brand awareness and traffic to your website, video is the way to go. More than 90% of businesses use video in their digital marketing. Don’t get left behind!

Whether you already use video in your marketing or are just getting started, here are the video marketing trends to utilize in 2024.

Vertical Video

The majority of web traffic comes from mobile users. Look down at your hand. How are you holding your phone while reading this blog? If you’re like 94% of people you’re holding it vertically. Maximizing space on this screen is important to get your point across. The best way to maximize that space is to use video that will fill the entire screen. This is vertical video. 

CSO gifCSO Block Party Ad

Vertical video has also been widely adopted by popular social media channels. What was once looked at as unprofessional and undesirable is now expected and preferred by mobile users. Most people do not turn their phones when a horizontal video comes up in their feeds. Which means they are going to miss part or all of your message because your video is too small to see and not holding the attention of the viewer

Silent Video

Most people (And by most I mean 92%!) are watching videos on their phone without sound.

Breeze Airlines gifBreeze Airlines Launch Ad

This requires creative ways to help viewers understand your video and keep them engaged. Adding animation to your video is the perfect way to make a compelling, self-explanatory silent video.

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Covington Business Council Ad

Adding subtitles is another way to make your silent video more accessible. Subtitles can actually help your audience retain information and keep them watching til the end.

Short-Form Video

Short-form video is usually defined as under 3 minutes. However, most social channels cap videos at 60 seconds. And social media is playing a large role in the trend toward these “bite-sized” videos. 

Short-form video is easier to digest and share than long-form video. And because of that, it’s more engaging and reaches a wider audience. This results in the highest return on investment (ROI) of any video format.

It’s essential to catch consumers’ attention quickly with short-form video. Getting to the point with a clear call-to-action is important in the scroll-happy social media environment.

One Video Can’t Do it All: Multi-Platform Strategies

Meet Me in NKY gifmeetNKY episode vs. promo

Knowing where you want your video to live is just as important as the video itself. Different platforms have different users, goals, and formats. Long-form videos do better on YouTube than they do on TikTok. Having a widescreen format is still user-friendly on LinkedIn, but not on Instagram. Trying to reach a demographic of 18-24 year olds? Don’t post your video on X (formerly known as Twitter).

Making these decisions during pre-production will make implementing your strategies easier and more effective once posted.

At Spotted Yeti, we want your video to be Smart. We will work with you to devise a strategy that drives audience engagement by leveraging market and user data. Download our Smart Video Guide and contact us to start creating your Smart Video strategy!


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