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Smart Video with Spotted Yeti Media

Posted on December 14, 2022 by Christopher Hagan

At Spotted Yeti Media, we believe in our tagline “Show the World you Exist” because we know you and your organization bring something unique and valuable to the world.

So we’re committed to something we believe in our hearts is at the root of what we do — helping you tell your story through video and getting results with the power of smart video.

What does smart video mean exactly? Allow us to explain!

smart video noun \ ‘smärt vid-ēō\ video content strategy and creation that drives audience engagement by leveraging market data and analytics.

Our team loves video, and we believe in the power of video storytelling.

We all have different stories on why we got into the industry in the first place - from being enamored with childhood cartoons (a love which now spans into adulthood, to be honest), to the documentaries that were so powerful it made us change the way we live our daily lives. While each example is a little different, we all recognize the power of video to tell an epic story and to drive an audience to think, feel, and act.


Based on audience insights, we helped Arlinghaus Plumbing, Heating, & Air develop a new video campaign: "Your Home is a Place of Comfort."

That is why, in addition to producing high quality videos that look amazing, we also think about how the audience is going to see them, and how they’re going to be motivated to feel.  After all, it takes some effort to make a video, and you deserve a return on your investment.


Strategic-thinking is implemented at every step of the process when you hire Spotted Yeti for your project. We partner with clients to produce regular content, which is needed in today’s media landscape where consistent videos help move your organization’s narrative along. We meet with you to discuss your goals, help craft a vision that will tell the right story, and think about how to distribute the video so it is reaching to the right audience. 

We’re also excited to meet you wherever you are at in the process of implementing video and digital strategy into your business, and we’re happy to offer package options that we’re sure will launch your organizations into a new tier of awesomeness.


Every client is different, so your video and strategy needs will be unique. We’re excited to help you discover what that strategy is! In fact, we think it’s smart. 


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