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Stories From Behind the Camera

The Benefits of Outsourcing Video Production

Posted on February 21, 2020 by Molly Berrens

If you are a marketing or communications professional for a company, you already know the value of providing regular content for your customers. It is necessary to keep them engaged and educated and keep you at the forefront of their mind. You also likely know that video is consistently performing the best when it comes to SEO and social media engagement. However, creating regular video content is time-consuming! 

It’s rare that organizations can successfully execute their business processes, in addition to having an air-tight marketing plan. Listen, we get it! Startup costs for software and standard equipment can be expensive. Not to mention finding the budget for specialty equipment to produce creative or trendy content. Finally, your team size can limit what you are capable of doing yourself. (We all love Gary from Accounting, but he can’t take a good selfie if his job depended on it.)

All of these reasons are exactly why video agencies exist: To be ready for those hurdles and form a video marketing plan for organizations of different sizes and industries. 

So How Does the Process Work?

 It all starts with a strategy. Before you post any old video to your company’s social media, do you have a plan for how to execute it? What is the goal of this video? Who is your target audience? If you haven’t included a video strategy in your overall marketing plan yet, then read this: “5 Reasons Why You Need a Video Strategy”.

Ideally, all video content should point back to the main goals of your strategy. Getting a better understanding of your strategy can help you prioritize your needs and align them with your budget and resources.

team-on-productionThe Spotted Yeti team discusses production plans on set. 

Consider the ROI

Hiring a production agency to manage this process may seem expensive, but it almost always results in a significant return on your investment. There is some time required between each party, though. Working with a production company and outsourcing projects certainly requires building a relationship and earning trust, but as you welcome a production crew to work alongside your team you are bringing experts. 

Additional benefits of outsourcing include:

  • Larger teams and crew resources that can provide specialized skillsets for each project. (ex. Director of Photography, Audio Engineer, Motion Graphics Editor, etc.)
  • Agencies have experience producing video content for a variety of clients and can provide a diverse perspective and fresh ideas.
  • It’s the job of a video agency to keep current with trends and stay educated on what video marketing techniques are performing well.

Outsourcing doesn’t mean you’re giving up control, in fact it’s the opposite. As a video agency our job is to execute your strategic plan in a way that boosts your business success. We specialize in making content that works uniquely for organizations across industries. That attentive care is what we do for our clients to rise above.

Get in Touch

Are you interested in partnering with a video agency? That’s where Spotted Yeti Media can help. Contact us today to setup a meeting. We’ll help you discover how video can help to “show the world you exist.”




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