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Stories From Behind the Camera

What type of video is right for your marketing needs?

Posted on February 6, 2024 by Stephanie Pierce

As a marketer you value video. You’ve read the stats and are ready to add even more video content into your 2024 marketing strategy.

There’s just one challenge. What kind of videos should you create?

Never fear, The Yeti team is here to break down the value of a few tried and true videos that can help communicate your message to your audience, wherever they are!

Here are three videos that could be right for your business.


Every organization has a story to tell. The challenge is delivering the message to your audience in a way that’s engaging and effective. 

Having your sales associate attend a networking event and giving an elevator pitch to 6 -10 people per hour is valuable, but limiting.

  • Are the attendees all in your target audience?
  • Are they ready to listen and at the right stage to buy or work together?
  • Can your associate tell your brand story effectively and consistently in five minutes or less?

Even then, if all goes as planned, how many networking events will it take to create brand believers?

Example brand video for Learning Grove

Telling your brand story via video and uploading it to your website and social media channels will allow you to share it with the world! 

A brand video is right for you if:

  • You’re looking to raise awareness about your business or organization.
  • You want to communicate the mission, vision, and values of your brand to your audience.

Things you’ll leave out of this video:

  • The complicated way in how you do it.
  • Very specific program details. 
  • A lengthy history of the organization.

This video should be utilized to exude the essence of your brand’s identity. It’s not created to convince a customer to buy your product or service or take any immediate action. It’s meant to evoke an emotion and leave your viewer with a lasting impression and maybe even a connection to your brand. 


An Explainer video could be right for you if:

  • Your goal is to communicate a complex message.
  • You’re hoping to convince a potential customer that your product or service can offer a solution to their needs.

Explainer videos can also help raise awareness but they should be much more informative than your brand awareness video. 

Hopefully by the end of your Explainer video you’ve persuaded your viewer to take an action step. You may want them to simply learn more or maybe you’ve convinced them to make a purchase. 

An explainer video usually follows a certain structure. 

  • Identify the customer problem or need.
  • Establish how your product or service can solve this need.
  • Illustrate why your particular product or service is the best solution versus others

Example explainer video for Cerkl Broadcast

3. Case Study Video

Has your business - helped your clients? 

Would you like to spread the good news quickly? Then a Case Study Video, also know as a Success Story, could be the perfect video for you. 

Unlike A Brand Story or Explainer video a case study allows your clients to speak on your behalf about how you were able to help them. 

Non-profits often use this type of video to share how many people or families they’ve been able to help and what strides the organization has made. 

There are several creative ways to recap goals and milestones in video form. Pairing motion graphics to communicate facts and figures and pair it with b-roll, customer testimonial interviews, and interviews of company figures with direct connections to the success story. 

Example case study video for Main Street Ventures.


Producing any of the above videos will absolutely help you in delivering your message to your target audience, however, many times one video can’t do the trick. 

Quite often hitting all of your marketing objectives will require more video content served up in multiple ways. Your audience may need to see and hear your message more than once and in more than one place. 

This is where a strategic video campaign comes in. The Spotted Yeti team can help you decide if a campaign is the right fit.


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