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Stories From Behind the Camera

7 min read

Maximizing Your Video Budget and ROI

Your budget is an important part of any business decision. Maybe it's human nature to flip to the back page of a proposal to see what something really costs. I understand that response, because I do it too. That’s why people often ask me, “How much should my video budget be?” While I understand the need to have that question answered, a better question about budgeting for video production is, “How much does it cost to meet my objectives and create positive ROI with video?” Unfortunately though, the answer to the second question is the same as the answer to the first: It depends. But don’t you ...

Posted on May 21, 2018 by Christopher Hagan

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Video Budgeting: Where Does the Money Go?

April 30, 2018 by Molly Berrens

7 min read

Getting Strategic About Video on Facebook

Facebook now has two billion monthly active users. That’s a quarter of the world’s eyeballs captured on a single platform on a regular basis. And those eyeballs are looking for you, though they may no...

April 12, 2018 by Liz Dawn


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