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Stories From Behind the Camera

Planning Your Annual Video Content Calendar

It happens frequently – businesses recognize the importance of video marketing – mere weeks or days before the impending need (such an event, holiday or sales season.) A hasty cell phone picture with a rushed caption posted for the online world to see is followed by lackluster engagement and conversion.

Posted on January 26, 2022 by Molly Berrens

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Non-Profit Video Marketing & The Power of Human Interest Stories

Documentaries are my favorite genre to watch and to edit. Coincidence? Definitely not! A documentary - or a video that provides a factual record or report -is a wonderful medium to learn about the wor...

November 22, 2021 by Jenna Adkins

Your Videos Need Captions: Here’s How and Why

Social media is a regular part of our daily routine. A quick scroll while waiting for a doctor’s appointment. Catching up on a social feed while riding the bus. Killing time before a flight boards. Ma...

November 15, 2021 by Molly Berrens

Make it Smart: How Strategy Helps Video Results

At Spotted Yeti Media, our tagline is “Show the World you Exist” because we want to go beyond just telling your story. We want to make sure it reaches your audience and produces results.

November 20, 2020 by Molly Berrens

4 Easy Ways to Save Time and Resources With Animation

Animation is a powerful tool to enhance and support any video, especially now more than ever, since it can be produced remotely while social distancing. However, it can also require more man hours to ...

July 23, 2020 by Christopher Hagan

Thinking Differently When Writing for Video

Scriptwriting is a large portion of the job for the pre production team here at Spotted Yeti Media. It may be surprising that we write so many scripts when we aren’t producing blockbuster films. In re...

March 6, 2020 by Jenna Adkins

The Benefits of Outsourcing Video Production

If you are a marketing or communications professional for a company, you already know the value of providing regular content for your customers. It is necessary to keep them engaged and educated and k...

February 21, 2020 by Molly Berrens

The Importance of An Interview & Asking the Right Questions

To me, the term “editor” is synonymous with “storyteller” because I use unscripted interview content and turn them into stories that audiences watch to be inspired, to learn something new, or to be en...

January 23, 2020 by Jenna Adkins

The Pillars of Smart Video

You want to produce a video. Maybe you have an idea and need help with execution. Maybe you need help developing that idea. Once you have a video, what do you do with it? Some will have you believe “i...

December 18, 2019 by Christopher Hagan


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